marketing consulting
Our marketing services include the creation, communication, development, and delivery of value-added components that support your overall brand strategy.
As it has been for decades, savvy marketing is the best way to identify, engage, satisfy, and keep a customer. But today, marketing that depends solely on the age-old approach of “Product, Place, Price, and Promotion” is destined to fall short. As technology, and the consumer mindset, have evolved, the need for innovative marketing strategies and executions has become pressing.
At First Choice, we provide such innovation in marketing, beginning with research, segmentation, and business planning. Our model extends beyond the simple execution of promotional activities to include post-sales reports and recaps. Our innovative approach grows out of our belief that contemporary marketing must be an integral component of any brand strategy. First Choice marketing experts act as brand champions to help plan and execute your brand strategy. We lend our experience and expertise concerning the personal care industry and its consumers to market, and sell, your brand with great effectiveness.
First Choice marketing services include:
Establishing value
Delivery of value-added components that support your overall brand strategy

As the consumer becomes more educated, the information portals used to connect and communicate with him or her have come instrumental to branding efforts. With this in mind, our marketing model has broadened beyond traditional communications vehicles to include contemporary approaches such as Internet marketing and brand awareness through the use of social media, e-mail, targeted campaigns, data collection, advertising, personalized marketing, etc. This is one more way we manage brands!

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3380 Pearson Rd.
Memphis, TN 38118